Government Sewing Contracts

Government Sewing Contracts

Peoria Production Solutions is registered with, CAGE Code: 3XZD4, offering government sewing contract services focused on high-quality and cost savings.

When you need vendors for government sewing contracts, you can count on dependable, high-quality sewing services from Peoria Production Solutions with more than 80 years of reliable service. We are an ISO9001:2015 registered company offering solutions to civilian and military agencies requiring secondary operational services such as sewing, kitting, contract assembly, packaging, shipping and more. We cater our services to meet your exact needs and specifications, with a modern facility, skilled staff and dedication to your complete satisfaction.

Military Contract Sewing Services

Peoria Production Solutions has been recognized as a leading provider of contract sewing services since 1941, providing high-volume sewing requirements for various types of products. We utilize modern, commercial sewing machines, automated equipment, and the unique talents of our highly skilled and trained staff. Our military contract sewing services include sewing:

  • Straps and buckles on military backpacks
  • Velcro attachments on clear neoprene dividers
  • Straps on various products
  • Buckles and rivets on belts
  • High-quality gait belts used in the medical and rehabilitation industry
  • Sewing of various industrial grade fabrics

Peoria Production Solutions offers these solutions and others for government sewing contracts, customizing our services to meet your needs.

Military Contract Sewing Company

As a not-for-profit company founded in 1941, our focus has been on providing jobs to individuals with disabilities to achieve financial and social independence. Since our motivation is on creating jobs, not profits, we are in the unique position to offer the most competitive costs in the industry. With top leadership dedicated to providing professional and personal growth to all employees, we experience a highly motivated staff committed to a job well done for your total satisfaction.

We are proud to say that we have been 100% self-supporting, providing valuable goods and services and achieving our goal of being the premier employer of individuals with disabilities. We understand that our success depends upon your success, which is why we are dedicated to high-quality, tight quality controls and competitive costs.

Our large, modern facility provides capacity to meet current and future production requirements, with 17 shipping and receiving bays for a completely controlled flow of goods. We utilize automated inventory control systems and value stream mapping (VSM) practices for lean processes to eliminate waste and bottlenecks.

Peoria Production Solutions is a solutions provider, offering quality services to companies of all sizes including Fortune 100 manufacturers. We add value to any supply chain with quality products delivered on time with cost-effective processes. Contact us to see how you can improve your supply chain for your government sewing contract needs.