Category: <span>Contract Kitting Services</span>

Category: Contract Kitting Services

How to Choose the Best Kitting Company To Meet Your Needs

This article was originally published on March 9, 2021 but has been updated on January 23, 2023. Companies that provide kitting services help businesses to achieve greater efficiency and productivity in their own processes. Kitting services typically include combining numerous individual items with individual SKUs into a combined kit with …

Lean Kitting Supports Lean Manufacturing

This article was previously published on March 16, 2021, but has been updated on January 20, 2023. Lean kitting processes provide many important benefits to manufacturers that improve efficiency and productivity, all leading to increased profitability. Kitting is a strategy that involves taking components from multiple SKUs and combining them …

How Kitting In Manufacturing Increases the Bottom Line

This article was originally published on March 23, 2021 and updated on January 17, 2023 Kitting and assembly services are commonly used in many manufacturing processes to improve operational efficiencies, reduce bottlenecks, and help to eliminate wasted time and space. Kitting in manufacturing improves productivity and profitability for manufacturers, with …

Custom Kit Assembly & Gift Set Packaging Provider

Custom kit assembly is the process of combining two or more individual products into one assembled kit with one single SKU. Custom kitting and gift set packaging are ideal for companies to prepare similar items for retail sales. Kitting can improve packaging and shipping time and reduce overall expenses. Common …

Optimizing Your Assembly Through Kitting

Kitting supports assembly and production processes in the warehouse or on the manufacturing line. Kitting is an excellent logistics strategy that involves grouping together individual parts or components with individual SKUs into one package or kit with one SKU. The kit includes all items needed at a particular assembly or …

Hand Assembly & Kitting Outsourcing in Lean Manufacturing

Companies practicing lean manufacturing experience many benefits with improved process efficiencies, inventory management, lead times, and profitability. Assembly and kitting are practices that contribute to lean production operations when designed and implemented properly. Hand assembly and kitting can be labor-intensive and monotonous for manufacturers. Outsourcing assembly and kitting can improve …

Kitting & Assembly: Learn the Difference and the Benefits

Kitting and assembly are two terms that are often used interchangeably, although they actually refer to different processes. Kitting and assembly are used to improve efficiency in manufacturing or to package pre assembled products for consumer convenience. What Is the Difference between Kitting and Assembly? When determining the best production …