What is Dock to Stock (DTS)?

What is Dock to Stock (DTS)?

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What is Dock to Stock (DTS)?

Dock to Stock (DTS) is a supply chain management strategy designed to streamline the process of receiving, inspecting, and delivering materials directly from the loading dock to the storage or production area, bypassing lengthy hold times or additional processing steps. The goal of DTS is to minimize the time it takes for materials to become available for use after they arrive at a facility, thereby reducing cycle times and increasing overall operational efficiency.

In practice, DTS involves strict coordination and often relies on pre-established relationships with suppliers to ensure that the goods meet quality standards before they arrive. This allows the received goods to be moved directly into inventory or production without the need for additional inspections or delays at the facility. By implementing DTS, companies can significantly cut down on processing times, reduce labor costs associated with handling and inspections, and improve inventory turnover rates.

Learn more about how kitting reduces dock-to-stock cycle times, contributing to improved efficiency.

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